Boost your body’s healing with safe and effective ozone therapy

What Is Ozone Therapy?
Medical ozone has been in use for decades, treating an array of medical problems.

Ozone therapy is a form of bio-oxidative therapy that uses a mixture of oxygen and ozone gas to help treat various conditions. Medical ozone is a powerful form of oxygen that is able to inactivate viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and protozoa.

How Does Ozone Work?
Ozone has various mechanisms of action. Through lipid peroxidation, ozone forms alkenes, alkanes, peroxides, Ozonides, and carbonyls to help inactivate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Enhancement of circulation by oxidizing the plaque in arteries, facilitating the removal of the breakdown of products, reducing red blood cell clumping, and restoring red cell flexibility. Ozone has the unique ability to distinguish healthy cells from unhealthy cells because healthy cells have a coat of protective enzymes that protects them, while microbes lack these enzymes, making them susceptible to ozone’s powerful effects.

What Can Ozone Therapy Treat?
May help improve chronic conditions that other more conventional therapies have not been able to successfully treat such as chronic infections, autoimmune conditions, circulation problems, wounds.

What Should You Expect From Ozone Therapy?
Ozone may help improve sleep, energy, and focus. Ozone therapy is generally well tolerated when administered by a trained clinician. Ozone therapy has little, if any, side effects. Some patients experience detoxification that their body is not accustomed to and may feel tired or experience other self-limiting symptoms which is directly related to purging built-up toxins rather than the ozone itself causing these symptoms.

What Is Intravenous Ozone Therapy?
There are several ways to administer ozone therapy, IV being a relatively safe method to give ozone, whereby ozone is given directly into a vein. A small butterfly gauge needle is used to administer the ozone. The intravenous method provides ozone directly into the venous system and does not require additional prepping, such as insertion of a peripheral/central line or heparin administration, which is necessary with hyperbaric ozone therapy or MAH. It also has advantages for individuals with smaller veins who are not good candidates for the aforementioned therapies.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?
There is no specific way of knowing how many treatments a person will need, but ideally, anywhere from 40 to 200 will likely be needed.

Things to do before your treatment that will help make your treatment more comfortable include taking a bioavailable form of vitamin C 5 to 6 times throughout the day, in addition to taking a high-quality probiotic to aid the immune system in fighting infection.

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